An Introduction to Catholic Faith Formation and Catechesis
“Enkindle the love of Jesus in the hearts of the young.”
—Saint John Baptist de La Salle
These words from Saint John Baptist de La Salle are the heart and goal of the ministry behind faith formation. Broadly speaking, Catholic faith formation, or catechesis, is the process by which young people come to know, love and follow God and the teachings of the Church.
In this lifelong journey, effective faith formation promotes a holistic view of the core beliefs, practices, and attitudes of Catholicism—showing not just what they are, but how to live out them out—at each young person’s developmental level.
“At the heart of catechesis is personhood—the lived encounter of the relationship between the person of the student and the person of Christ Jesus. The aim of catechesis is always to help young people see the world and interpret their experience, throughout life, through the eyes of faith in Christ. This is what Lasallians mean when we speak of “enlivening minds, touching hearts.”
—Symposium on Catechesis in the Lasallian Tradition Summary. Copyright © 2009 Saint Mary's Press. September 21-23, 2006. All rights reserved.
A catechist, or teacher, must be “… a lifelong Christian disciple who seeks to grow daily in knowledge and love of the Word of God with dedication to forming others through personal witness to Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
—Directory for Catechesis, Revised, Participant Manual (USCCB, 2020). Copyright © 2021, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved.
The goal then, is an encounter that empowers holistic living—out of one’s call. As Dr. Joseph White shared:
“Our aim is not only to help people grow in knowledge of their faith, but to equip them to live the faith in their daily lives – at home, school, work, and in their communities. We are not in the business of helping “students” master “concepts.” Rather, our vocation is that of forming lifelong disciples.”
—Forming Lifelong Disciples through Developmentally-Responsive Catechesis (NCCL, 2016). Copyright © 2016, Joseph D. White, Ph.D. All rights reserved.
How Do I Choose a Good Faith Formation Program?
We know that faith is caught, not just taught. Faith formation is most effective when it occurs in an environment that is welcoming, open to honest conversation, and marked by a focus on exploration and discovery. The goal is to create an engaging environment where young people want to learn. In this piece, we’ll cover ways you can begin to evaluate what makes a good faith formation program. From engaging in Scripture, to creating a fun learning environment, to getting the family involved, there are many things to consider.
Solid Catholic Catechesis begins with building Biblical Literacy
Scripture has the power to touch children’s hearts and change how they live. To remind us to draw on this power in catechesis, the Church’s teaching documents always call us to make the Bible an integral part of our ministry:
“Catechesis should take Sacred Scripture as its inspiration, its fundamental curriculum, and its end because it strengthens faith, nourishes the soul, and nurtures the spiritual life.” (National Directory for Catechesis, p. 70)
“All evangelization is based on that word, listened to, meditated upon, lived, celebrated and witnessed to. The sacred Scriptures are the very source of evangelization. Consequently, we need to be constantly trained in hearing the word. The Church does not evangelize unless she constantly lets herself be evangelized. It is indispensable that the word of God ‘be ever more fully at the heart of every ecclesial activity.’” (Pope Francis. (2013). Evangelii Gaudium [The Joy of the Gospel] [Apostolic Exhortation]. 174)
“The study of the sacred Scriptures must be a door opened to every believer. It is essential that the revealed word radically enrich our catechesis and all our efforts to pass on the faith. Evangelization demands familiarity with God’s word, which calls for dioceses, parishes and Catholic associations to provide for a serious, ongoing study of the Bible, while encouraging its prayerful individual and communal reading. We do not blindly seek God, or wait for him to speak to us first, for ‘God has already spoken, and there is nothing further that we need to know, which has not been revealed to us.’ Let us receive the sublime treasure of the revealed word.” (Pope Francis. (2013). Evangelii Gaudium [The Joy of the Gospel] [Apostolic Exhortation]. 175)
Part of our mission is to help people of all ages get comfortable in Scripture. As our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle often reminded his teachers, “God’s word is powerful in touching hearts.” Never undersell the power of immersing people in Scripture from a young age! So, when reviewing any faith formation or catechetical program, you may want to ask yourself:
- Will this help young people become comfortable in using the Bible?
- Will this program help young people know and understand the biblical story of salvation history?
- Will this faith formation program help them to understand how to interpret Bible books and passages in their proper contexts?
Several years ago, through research Saint Mary’s Press discovered that many young people lacked basic biblical literacy. Recognizing that as Catholics, Sacred Scripture is as important as Sacred Tradition, we set out to change how we could help young people of all ages encounter and engage with the Word.
Our goal is to grow Catholics who are Biblically Literate. A biblically literate Catholic is someone who is knowledgeable and comfortable in using the Bible, knows and understands the biblical story of salvation history, and understands how to interpret Bible books and passages in their proper context.
Most Catholic faith formation programs offer a passing glance at Scripture. Maybe young people read only select Scripture passages as quotations. There may be only one Bible in the classroom, so the catechist looks up the passage and then hands the opened Bible to a student to read. While not an incorrect approach, these practices don’t encourage children to learn how to find Bible passages or to understand how the Bible is organized. And most importantly, this does not help young people build comfort and confidence with using Scripture as a guiding light to live out their faith.
Much of Catholic theology presumes we know and understand the overarching story of God’s saving work. Some young people may confuse Biblical figures and events, often forgetting the who, what, where, and when of the Bible. Understanding how each biblical book’s story fits into this bigger history is the mark of a biblically literate person.
Finally, young people may not understand the nuances of biblical interpretation. They may need context around the principles present within Scripture. Discussing the Bible helps catechists focus on insights related to context, genre, the relationship between the two Testaments, the culture of the time, the Church’s Tradition, and so on.
Including biblical literacy as part of your faith formation program is as easy as:
- Featuring visually rich Bibles with detailed illustrations draw in young people and stimulate their interest. Having accessible, approachable, and relatable Bibles, like The Catholic Youth Bible® or The Catholic Children’s Bible, help young people look up passages and discover stories.
- Introducing key people and events encourages understanding how each biblical book’s story fits into this bigger history. The Catholic Children’s Bible helps you to do this by focusing on 125 key people and events through a series of regular Featured Stories.
- Asking your students, “What is this Bible story about? What do you think the person writing this was trying to say? What is God teaching us through this story?”
Through catechetical ministry, catechists weave together Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition to equip children with the essential knowledge and skills for their lifelong journey of faith. Thus, when it comes to the Bible, those in ministry want to help young people to ultimately become biblically literate adults.
Biblically literate adults are comfortable reading and using the Bible. They know how the books of the Bible are arranged and how to quickly and easily locate a specific book or passage. They have a solid understanding of the biblical story of salvation history, and they are familiar with key people and events and how God’s saving power worked through those people and events.
Biblically literate adults understand that any book or passage from Scripture must be understood in its proper context. When reading the Bible, they consider things like the literary genre, the culture of the time, the original author’s intended message, how the message fits into the bigger picture of salvation history, and how the passage is understood in the Church’s Tradition.
As a catechist, you should become comfortable using Scripture and nurture such comfort in the students. If your experience with the Bible is limited, be honest about that with the students in your classes. Tell them that you want to grow along with them in understanding this special book and making it a part of your life. Together, you and your students can share the biblical literacy journey!

Make Faith Formation stick with Active Learning
As a teacher or catechist, you’ve likely looked out into a room only to see a room full of young people staring back at you with glazed eyes. Maybe you’ve experienced sessions where children start twitching, get easily distracted, or even get disruptive as you desperately try to keep their attention. Simply put: a bored classroom is not a fun classroom to teach, nor participate in! Families flock to parishes where young people are seen, heard, and engaged.
The key? What we call Active, engaged learning. It helps young people have fun and builds a meaningful environment where teachings of the faith come alive! Active learning is any approach to instruction in which all students engage with the content and learning process. It involves discussions and experiences as opposed to expecting students to passively absorb information. Instead of solely relying on a textbook and simply reading lesson material, active learning involves making the subject matter come alive for students.
These positive experiences build community with their catechists and peers; helping them to experience their own “micro-church” amidst their larger parish community and global Church. Additionally, these engaged learning environments help build a stronger spiritual foundation because young people see and experience their faith as living and dynamic. Experiencing faith as living and dynamic creates a bridge between young peoples’ faith and their daily lives. This transforms young people into lifelong disciples who actively live out their faith, instead of memorizing and repeating facts.
When creating lifelong disciples, we must first create spiritually engaged young people who proactively grow in their faith and Church. We must accompany young people in ways that help them turn learning into living. An effective faith formation program enlivens learning to put discovery and exploration at the center, creating an environment that inspires students to actively engage with the material.
The more that catechists and teachers enliven lessons in meaningful ways, the more learning occurs. Bringing lessons to life through focused activities, role-plays, discussions, and reinforcement games not only addresses attention spans and learning styles, but also positively impacts learning. Through Saint Mary’s Press faith formation programs, young people make critical connections to their Catholic faith and God via active learning.
Some of the benefits of active learning include:
- Adapts to Different Learning Styles: Catechists often find themselves with students who exhibit a range of different learning styles. Because active learning emphasizes connection and activities, it naturally incorporates multiple learning styles. This reduces the need for intensive lesson planning and lets catechists focus on their students’ faith formation progress. When students leave a lesson energized about what they just did, this is a good indication that the lesson addressed multiple learning styles and maximized learning.
- Creates Excitement and Energy: Active learning engages students physically and mentally, reaching beyond simply listening. This can involve movement, group discussions, role-playing, or creative projects. This engagement sparks enthusiasm and a sense of dynamism, making the learning experience more enjoyable and memorable.
- Fosters Trust and Security: When students actively participate, they build relationships with each other and the catechist. Sharing thoughts, working collaboratively, and expressing themselves in a safe environment fosters a sense of trust and security. This allows students to feel comfortable exploring their faith and asking questions without fear of judgment.
- Increases Investment, Motivation and Performance: Active learning empowers young people to take ownership of their faith formation. When they are actively involved in discovering and applying knowledge, they become more invested in the process. This intrinsic motivation leads to a deeper desire to learn more.
- Shifts Brain Chemistry & Addresses Attention: Passive learning can potentially lead to mental fatigue and decreased attention. Active learning, on the other hand, stimulates the brain through varied activities, releasing neurotransmitters associated with focus and engagement. This shift in brain chemistry helps maintain attention and improves information retention.
- Creates More Alertness & Focus: By requiring active participation, students are constantly engaged and challenged. This prevents them from passively drifting off or becoming distracted. The need to think critically, problem-solve, and interact with others maintains alertness and sharpens focus.
- Develops More Meaning: Active learning encourages students to connect lessons to their own experiences and beliefs. By actively reflecting on the material, discussing it with others, and applying it to real-life situations, students develop a deeper understanding and personal meaning. This process transforms knowledge into wisdom and strengthens their spiritual foundation.
As you consider a faith formation program or evaluate what you’re currently using, ask yourself:
- Will this engage all the learners in my classroom? Will there be ample room for everyone to participate?
- Does this offer activities that are active: such as lively discussions, debates, group projects, role playing, problem solving, games, challenges?
- Will young people encouraged to name and discuss ways that it connects with their own experiences and beliefs as they consider the lesson?

The Pillars of the Catechism: Going Deeper
In accompanying young people on their faith formation journey, we want to help them understand that being a follower of Jesus and part of His Church means walking it every day. The Catechism of the Catholic Church helps us to frame up topics that show us how to live through the Pillars of the Catechism: faith, liturgy and sacraments, life in Christ, and prayer. Each one of these pillars is a model of how we approach our faith in what we believe, how we act, how we speak to God in prayer and how we experience God in the Sacraments.
Understanding these pillars isn’t merely about intellectual knowledge; it’s about practical application. We want young people to see how these fundamental aspects of faith—belief, worship, moral living, and prayer—intertwine and shape their daily experiences. It’s about showing them how faith isn’t just a Sunday activity, but a living, breathing reality that informs their choices and actions at any stage of life.
It’s critical to continue to model this framework at every age and stage in your faith formation programs. As St. Paul reminded his disciples, at certain stages we are ready for “milk” and then as we grow, we become ready for more complex topics—“the meat.” And thus, your faith formation program must meet each young person where they are. Whether it’s a kindergartener just beginning to explore the Faith or a 6th grader who is ready to go deeper, a faith formation program should make faith relevant and meaningful at every stage of a young person’s development.
When we design religion and faith formation programs at Saint Mary’s Press, we take into account each young person’s age and create unique modalities for them to grow in faith. As children grow, so should their faith formation program. A Kindergartener should not have same style of lessons as a 5th grader, or an 8th grader! A better understanding of the various ages will help you to be more effective in spreading the Good News.
If you’d like to learn more about what developmental characteristics describe each age group, below are some starters to help you learn more.
- Kindergarten: Typically aged 5–6, are energetic, curious learners who thrive with hands-on experiences, positive reinforcement, and nurturing guidance, regardless of prior preschool experience.
- 1st Grade: Enthusiastic and social first graders, while developing reading and writing skills, require dynamic, activity-filled sessions due to their short attention spans.
- 2nd Grade: More settled and comfortable in structured environments, second graders appreciate organization and preparation, which helps them feel relaxed and ready to learn.
- 3rd Grade: Spirited third graders, eager for challenges but lacking consistent follow-through, require organizational support to complete tasks they enthusiastically begin.
- 4th Grade: Feeling mature and autonomous, fourth graders are ready for independent work, increased responsibility, and discussions about discipleship, often while developing serious interests in activities.
- 5th Grade: Fifth graders, “tweens” experiencing the onset of adolescence and puberty, navigate biological, emotional, and intellectual changes while still enjoying childhood’s playful aspects.
- 6th Grade–8th Grade: Adolescence marks a crucial period of multifaceted growth, demanding patience and empathy, with sixth graders showing emerging traits and eighth graders exhibiting more pronounced adolescent characteristics.
Like active learning, reviewing key concepts of catechesis is critical in any faith formation program. This idea of age-appropriate deepening of Church teachings is called “the spiral method.” As they grow older, we take them deeper, because they can learn and discuss more abstract topics.
The spiral method reinforces previously learned concepts. It connects new information with existing knowledge. This ever-deepening review aligns more closely with how students learn, rather than attempting to grasp a complex concept all at once in a single grade.
Saint Mary’s Press’ goal is to make lifelong disciples of the young people you minister to. Seeds of knowledge planted in earlier grades are nurtured and cultivated as young people grow. The Discover!, Connect! and High School religion and faith formation catechetical materials help, nurture familiarity and connections with their Catholic community and God, deepening the roots each year.
A good way to peek into a faith formation program’s efficacy in the spiral method is to review their Scope and Sequence. That will give you a snapshot of how core concepts of the Catholic Church build on foundational understandings and deepen meaning as they grow.
Take a look at the Scope and Sequence of our faith formation programs for:
Grades K–5, found in Discover! Finding Faith in Life
Grades 6–8, found in Connect! Bringing Faith to Life
Family, Multigenerational, and Intergenerational Faith Formation
Family Catechesis means sowing the seed, finding faith in life, confident in knowing that “It is God who matters, because he makes the plant grow” (1 Corinthians 3:7). It means being a catechist not only to the child in front of you but to the entire family. Family participation is fundamental to any successful faith formation program, as “Children learn what they live”.
In recent years, many parishes have been exploring family faith formation. We believe this is a joyful opportunity for the gift of life-long discipleship and spiritual growth to happen! The Church year provides a guide to finding faith in life and a blueprint for meaningfully marking moments every day. We model and mirror that in our Gathered Family Sessions included with our K–5 Faith Formation program, Discover! Finding Faith in Life.

Designed to engage families in a shared faith formation experience, these 10 Gathered Family Sessions lead families through the liturgical seasons, deepening their connections to each other, their Catholic community, God, and the Church. Get more ideas on how to inspire a lived faith in your families with 5 ways to connect families to go deeper.
Providing tools to support faith formation at home builds a relationship between the catechist and family. They see parents as partners who want the best for their children and encourage parents to use at-home activities. These activities are simple and involve expressing your faith through everyday life.
As you explore: does the program offer an easy, structured and joyful way for families to journey together, perhaps even with a gathered session? It may breathe new life into your parish faith formation program!
Flexibility and Busy Families with Catholic Catechesis
Our hope is that with effective faith formation programming for all ages, your families will find themselves becoming more “plugged in” to your parish. Yet we also recognize that families are busy–and scheduling challenges happen.
Whether it’s sports, activities, or any myriad of programs and hobbies, families will respond positively to flexible options that help them complete their learning on their own time.
Any great faith formation program will create options that will allow you to disciple your families, whether in person, at home, or a hybrid approach. Saint Mary’s Press offers included digital lessons as part of our elementary and middle school faith formation programs. These eLearning lessons empower parishes to enhance their programs by offering flexible digital learning experiences, whether as a complement to gathered sessions or as a core component of home-based learning.
The most common application of this eLearning resource is as a supplemental tool for at-home learning. Young people can complete the eLearning lessons at home, either before or after their gathered session, to prepare for or reinforce what they have learned. For faith programs that incorporate home-based eLearning, these lessons provide:
- A structured way for families to engage with each chapter without the need for extra resources or parent training
- Comprehensive content, covering all key learning goals to make it easy for parents to support their children’s learning journey
- Opportunities for families to connect and grow in faith together
Aside from digital lessons, a great faith formation program offers other ways to get the families involved, particularly for children. These tangible, non-digital resources, such as family pages, home guides, and Gathered Family Sessions, are included with our Discover! Finding Faith in Life program. They provide unique opportunities for hands-on activities, face-to-face interaction, and deeper community building, complementing the digital learning experience.
Ask yourself: How does your faith formation programming offer a way to meet families in meaningful relationships as they journey throughout the busy year, wherever they are?

A Faith Formation Program that Conforms to USCCB
In a world where access to information is vast, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of Catholic faith formation materials is paramount. For over twenty-five years, the Conformity Review Process has served as a vital safeguard, guaranteeing that children and families receive a faithful presentation of Catholic teachings. This process matters because it directly impacts how the next generation understands and lives their faith. By maintaining a high standard for catechetical materials, they strengthen the foundation of Catholic faith formation and education to empower individuals to build a deeper relationship with God.
Here’s a closer look at how this essential process works:
The Conformity Review Process has been a cornerstone of Catholic education in the United States, designed to ensure catechetical materials accurately reflect the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Its primary goal is to provide effective oversight of these materials at a national level.
As a publisher dedicated to Catholic faith formation, Saint Mary’s Press recognizes the importance of this vital review process. Our USCCB certification signifies our unwavering commitment to providing resources that are both doctrinally sound and pedagogically effective, supporting the Church’s mission to nurture faith in every generation.

An Elementary Catholic Faith Formation Program
Discover! Finding Faith in Life immerses children in Scripture by anchoring each chapter in a particular Scripture story. The children use The Catholic Children’s Bible (grades 1–5) and the Bible story booklet (kindergarten) for each chapter. This focus on Scripture promotes biblical literacy and an in-depth familiarity with and knowledge of key Scripture stories throughout the Old and New Testaments.
The lessons within the Discover! Finding Faith in Life faith formation program are designed to foster a clear understanding of the concepts presented through an active-learning approach. This method brings lessons to life in a fun and memorable way through engaged learning–including getting children out of their seats! Core principles of faith are introduced in a way that allows children to discover meaning and develop understanding while being immersed in solid Catholic teaching and in the prayers and practices that build Catholic identity.
Scripture is central to this faith formation program, rooting the key concepts of each chapter in important Scripture passages. This serves to promote biblical literacy and an in-depth familiarity with and knowledge of key Scripture stories throughout the Old and New Testaments, including their meaning for us today
Active, engaged learning is a hallmark of this program. Each grade offers an abundance of activities in every lesson that will have children having so much fun! Without realizing it, they’ll be learning in the ways their bodies and brains need it—all while making happy memories and forming deeper connections to the Catholic Faith!
A Catholic Faith Formation Program for Middle Schoolers
Connect! Bringing Faith to Life teaches the faith in a real-life way, weaving in relevant life issues to bridge the gap between faith and everyday experiences. This three-year faith formation program that presents the core teachings of the Catholic faith to young people in grades 6–8, with one text for all 3 grades.
Active and engaging lessons encourage honest reflection and meaning-making. Using an accompaniment model of forming young people in the faith, this program meets young people where they are.
Each year consists of 21 lessons presented in a clear and easy format, to make meaningful connections to young peoples’ lives. Additionally, every year covers all four pillars of the catechism: creed, liturgy, morality and prayer. The catechist guides offer everything you need to make for rich and engaging discussions in your classroom.
The Goals of Catholic Faith Formation
In essence, effective Catholic faith formation is a journey of holistic growth, rooted in Scripture and lived out in daily life. It’s about fostering a relationship with Christ that transforms individuals into lifelong disciples, equipped to navigate the world with faith.
Whether through active learning, age-appropriate catechesis, family engagement, or the assurance of USCCB conformity, the goal remains the same: to enkindle a vibrant faith that resonates within the hearts of young people and empowers them to build a lasting relationship with God.
Saint Mary’s Press provides resources that support this mission, offering programs like Discover! and Connect! that immerse learners in Scripture, promote active engagement, and bridge the gap between faith and everyday experiences. Through these efforts, we aim to cultivate a community of biblically literate, spiritually engaged, and lifelong disciples, ready to share the Good News with the world!