Faith and Fun in the Family
Catholic family faith formation, no matter the situation
Sustaining faith in a family’s busy routine is an intentional act. By embracing the opportunities within daily life, families can beautifully weave faith into their routines, leading to powerful faith formation.
Lifelong disciples understand that being Catholic isn’t confined to Sunday services or weekly faith formation; they cultivate a life of faith through daily action, becoming a light to the world.
Incorporating faith into everyday life helps families create an environment where spiritual growth flourishes. The aim is for faith to become a natural part of their day! To help you with this, we’ve compiled 13 practical tips for integrating faith formation into daily life.

Fitting faith formation into daily considerations
1. Stick to the basics.
Catholic faith formation starts with prayer. Pray the Prayer before Meals (“Bless us, O Lord …”) before every meal, wherever you are (even in the car). And pray the Our Father and the Hail Mary as part of night prayers. Never underestimate the power of repetition in forming faith.
2. Honor meals as family time.
Treat family meals as a faith formation class. Share things important to each family member. Casually talk about favorite family stories, memories, values, and upcoming plans or events while subtly linking them to faith. Make sure there are no electronics around that could cause distractions.
3. Talk about Jesus.
Children should hear about Jesus at home as well as in church or faith formation sessions. Include conversations about what Jesus would do in different circumstances, ask Jesus to be with various people you encounter together, and remind one another how Jesus might feel when you do something good for others.
4. Pray aloud.
Just as they pray with friends during faith formation classes, children should hear their parents pray aloud. For starters, you cans hare happenings of everyday life by requesting prayers from one another. For example, “Mom has a big presentation at work today. Let’s pray now that the Holy Spirit will be with her.” Or “Josh’s spelling test is today. He really studied hard, so let’s pray that he will remember what he knows.” Also remember family members and others who are ill or in special need of prayer.
5. Pray for safety and fair play in sports.
Emphasize that we pray for safety and fair play in our games, and that God does not favor one team over another. This is a great opportunity for faith formation, teaching kids about God’s universal love.
6. Create a prayer space in your home.
Creating a prayer space at home is critical to family faith formation because it provides a dedicated place for spiritual growth. A small table in a corner can become a sacred space with a Bible, a candle, a rosary, holy cards, and children’s books. Regularly gathering there for prayer reinforces the importance of faith within the family.

7. Take faith formation with you on the road.
Keep a rosary in the car and pray it on short and long trips. Brush up on the list of the mysteries or keep a guide with you in the car and announce one for each decade. When your child is ready, invite them to lead.
8. Plan vacations with Mass and faith formation in mind.
Each parish in the world is unique. Research nearby parish churches and plan to participate in the Eucharist on the Sundays you are vacationing. After Mass, introduce yourselves to the celebrating priest. Ask him for tips on local restaurants or other places to see in the area.
9. Get out in the real world.
Enjoy God’s gift of creation with your family, using nature as a tool for faith formation. Visit a local park or nature preserve, and wonder aloud at the beauty of God’s handiwork. At every site, pray a litany: “Thank you, God, for …” with each family member naming something they see in nature. Take turns naming as many gifts of creation as you like, learning to see God’s presence in the world around you.
10. Put your children at the center of family faith formation.
A parent’s blessing is a powerful sign of God’s love. With your hand on your child’s head, make the sign of the cross with your thumb on your child’s forehead, while saying, “God bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Any other appropriate words can be added. Blessings can be done before any occasion, special or routine, such as leaving for school, preparing for a test or sports competition, or going to bed.
11. Talk about your values.
Use TV, social media, video games, or other influences as “teachable moments” to express your Christian values. Be sure to accentuate the positive if you see it illustrated in a particular character or situation. This is a practical approach to faith formation in a modern world.
12. Prepare for Mass together.
Mass is a key part of family faith formation and should be anticipated with preparation. Saturday night might be a good time to read the Sunday Gospel at the evening meal. Discuss as a family what Jesus might be telling or showing your family in the Gospel. After Mass, incorporate the homily into your conversation on the way home.
13. Celebrate feast days.
Keep track of annual feasts by using your parish calendar and bulletin reminders, using them as tools for family faith formation. Though the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter are key, various feasts during the year merit attention and offer an opportunity to celebrate faith and make the day special, connecting your family to the liturgical calendar. You may want to add family name days to your feast-day calendar, as well as baptismal anniversaries, personalizing your faith journey. There are many sources, in books and online, for celebrating feast days on the Catholic calendar. Feast days give us a respite from everyday routine and root us more firmly in the life of Christ as mirrored in each individual feast or saint, deepening our understanding of the Church’s rich traditions.
Family faith formation made easier with Discover!

To further help you with Catholic family faith formation, check out Discover! Finding Faith in Life. Match this comprehensive K–5 program with your parish’s needs to provide structured lessons that complement these 13 everyday tips.
With your purchase, you’ll gain access to engaging eLearning modules, family pages, interactive activities, and a new addition: Gathered Family Sessions. Discover! empowers families to stay involved and connected, offering a structured to ensure faith thrives in any situation.