image of happy kids in a classroom with text that says "Now Available: Kindergarten!"
Discover! Finding Faith in Life: Parish Curriculum for Grades K–5
Discover! Finding Faith in Life: Parish Curriculum for Grades K–5

Discover! Finding Faith in Life—Parish

Faith Formation for Grades K–5


Discover! now includes kindergarten classes!

Discover! Finding Faith in Life is a fresh approach to faith formation that excites kids, delights parents, and energizes catechists! Filled with energetic learning, Discover! gets kids out of their seats as they dive into The Catholic Children’s Bible and the teachings of the Church.

Discover! includes online learning with every child pack purchased (all for less than the price of a Bible), and it is a flexible, affordable faith formation option for everyone.

What’s Inside?

Scripture stories are central. In Kindergarten, children use our colorful Bible story booklet, designed just for their age level! The Catholic Children’s Bible becomes the core text in Grades 1–5, with folders and activity books for each lesson. You know the power of every child using Scripture at the heart of their faith formation!  

The Catechist Guide for each grade (included with a minimum purchase) will equip your catechists to joyfully lead children to discover their faith.  View the Scope & Sequence to see how each year grows with your student. 

Request a FREE Sample

Discover! is…a whole new way to learn & live faith!


Cover images of the Bible Story Booklet and Catechist Guide for Discover! Kindergarten

Bible Story Booklet


Catechist Guide

Cover images of the Bible Story Booklet and Catechist Guide for Discover! Kindergarten

1. Bible Story Booklet
2. Catechist Guide

Grades 1–5


The Catholic Children's Bible*


28 Activity Books


Online Lessons





1. The Catholic Children’s Bible*
28 Activity Books
3. Online Lessons
4. Folder
5. Backpack

*Already have a Catholic Children’s Bible for each child? Contact your Ministry Care Team for options: 800.533.8095.

Helpful resources for you as you explore Discover!

Including our scope and sequence.

Program Features

Scripture stories are central

In Kindergarten, children are introduced to the love of Jesus using Bible story pages designed just for their age level. As they enter Grades 1–5, The Catholic Children’s Bible is the core text in every lesson. You know the power of every child using Scripture at the heart of their faith formation!

Engaged learning makes lessons meaningful and memorable

Fun, engaging activities are at the center of every lesson in Discover!  We’re tapping into how children learn best— with active learning experiences that help kids engage with the lesson and live their faith.

Interactive lessons for Grades 1–5

Every child kit in Grades 1–5 comes with full access to online, interactive lessons for kids to use at home that complement the program, not repeat it. These eLearning lessons offer maximum flexibility and endless possibilities for you and your program.

Get the whole family involved

Parents love how joyful Discover! is, and you’ll love how involved the families will become. From free home guides and family pages to the invitation to read the Bible together, Discover! energizes families to explore their faith together.

Find everything you need to help build lifelong faith for kids today!

Or call 800-533-8095 to order.

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