Opening Prayer On September 15th each year, the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, a day for prayer and reflection on the distinct sorrows that the Blessed Virgin Mary endured, [...]
On the surface, Pope Francis’s Laudato si’ does not look like a call for an ecological virtue ethics.¹ Large-scale social change seems to be the main point. In two hundred and forty-six [...]
While many are familiar with the seasons of the Church such as Lent and Advent, not many are aware of the Season of Creation. This season begins on September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the [...]
As we approach the end of the school year and faith formation programs (and a remarkable year at that!), it is helpful to pause and reflect on the importance of your role and presence in the [...]
By Sophie Vodvarka (Editor’s note: This guest blog post appeared originally Nov. 7, 2018, on the blog Sick Pilgrim on Patheos, a website devoted to global dialogue about religion and [...]
Google “most beautiful places of worship” and you’ll get some stunning examples of architecture, from churches to temples to mosques. But what makes a place of worship “beautiful”? And what is [...]
Recently, I relistened to a series of CDs by the poet David Whyte. Titled Clear Mind Wild Heart: Finding Courage & Clarity Through Poetry, the audiobook has become something of a spiritual [...]
“Why are megachurches and formerly iconoclastic mainline denominations looking more like Catholic parishes in terms of liturgy and practices even as some Catholics are, late to the party as [...]
What’s the future of religion in America? Award-winning journalist Ray Suarez explored that question in an address to the Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul Annual Assembly on May 30. “Even [...]
Not all young people are leaving the Catholic Church. Nor are those who stay uniformly conservative, traditionalist, or doctrinally dogmatic. Those realities make few headlines, pushed aside by [...]