Step 1: Log into your account and navigate to the “My Account” page. Step 2: Select the “Teacher Access” tab and fill in the required fields. Step 3: Once the account is created, please allow 24 [...]
Step 1: Navigate to the login page by selecting the “My Account” link at the top right. Step 2: Select “Create Account,” located just above the login area. Step 3: Fill in the required fields, [...]
Step 1: You need to know your school or parish’s zip code and Account Number, also known as the Customer ID. Contact your DRE for this number. Step 2: Log into your Saint Mary’s Press account by [...]
Twenty years ago, Saint Mary’s Press discovered a sad reality. Our research indicated that Catholic young people didn’t know how to find things in the Bible, they weren’t familiar with its [...]
About this article This prayer service offers families a way to come together to pray and reflect on recovering from traumatic events. Gathering Come together as a family. Set aside time for [...]
All Saints’ Day, which falls on November 1, is a time to honor all the saints of the Church, known and unknown. These people of great faith lived lives of holiness and can help us through [...]
Just as our calendar year has special times and seasons, so does the Church. In liturgical seasons, we remember important parts of our faith and we celebrate and reflect on key moments in the [...]
About this article This prayer service is intended to bring hope during the difficult days that follow a tragedy. The service can be used with any size group, and with various ages of young [...]
In Foundations for Flourishing, a video and podcast series by Saint Mary’s Press, we share stories and advice from educators, ministers, and leaders, all with one goal: to encourage you in [...]
“It’s all about how you show up.” Showing up for young people requires a system of support, a personal community that guides you through difficulties and joys. In this episode of Foundations for [...]