The Shared Wisdom of the World’s Major Religions 

 In Resources

People of different religious backgrounds sometimes disagree bitterly. This is a big deal because of the violence and war that can result. Violence-inducing disagreements may suggest that huge and irreconcilable differences exist among the world’s different religions, but this isn’t entirely true.  

In the last several centuries, religion scholars and religious leaders have recognized that the world’s major religions hold many of the same core beliefs. This article explores three: (1) there is a divine creator, (2) human beings are made for love, and (3) human life has a purpose.  

There Is a Divine Creator

A core belief of the world’s major religions is that the universe came into existence through the creative power of a supreme or divine being or beings. (This article uses God, the name most used for the supreme being[s] in predominantly Christian countries such as the United States.) The world’s monotheistic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Bahá’í faith, some forms of Hinduism, and several others. Many other religions are polytheistic, including Taoism, some forms of Hinduism, and the ancient Greek and Roman religions. Buddhism does not teach a belief in a divine creator, so many consider Buddhism a spiritual tradition or philosophy rather than a religion.  

In addition to believing that the universe was brought into being by God, the world’s major religions hold that creation is an expression of divine love, a love that brings all that exists to life. Another way of saying this is that God is in some way part of everything that exists, connecting all creation in divine love.  

Human Beings Are Made for Love

Another belief shared by the world’s major religions is that human beings are made for love. We are created to be in relationship with the divine creator, or God. When we are connected to God, ultimately our lives will be blessed; that is, at a deep level we will be happy and at peace. The flow of divine love will run through us as it is meant to. 

This does not mean that a deep connection with God means never having problems, difficult relationships, grief, or other hardships in life. It can mean just the opposite. It can mean that God knows our pain and the world’s pain and does not ignore it.  

The world’s major religions also teach a variety of spiritual practices to help human beings stay connected to God and to the flow of divine love. Praying, meditating, participating in religious rituals, forgiving others, serving others, and studying sacred texts are some of these practices.  

Human Life Has a Purpose

The world’s great religions teach that who we are and who we are becoming matters. Human life has a purpose and a goal. Our purpose is to cooperate with God’s desire to be a source of beauty, joy, peace, and love. The goal of our lives is to be in union with God, to experience the fullness of God’s love for us.  

While the world’s major religions hold differing beliefs about how and when it is possible to reach this goal, they agree about the goal of giving and receiving the love of God to the greatest degree that we can. 

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