In the life, teaching, and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, the understanding of the personal nature of God deepened, and the promise of personal relationship with God intensified. Jesus of [...]
Lent can be challenging, especially for younger children. It is a penitential season of the liturgical year. Penance, by definition, expresses repentance for wrongdoing and is neither fun nor [...]
Mary has been so closely associated with the church throughout the history of Christianity that many scriptural sayings and traditional teachings about her can also be understood as sayings and [...]
The popularity of genealogy and ever-new ways to search for family origins has brought to mind the importance of family. Ever since God told our first parents (as we read in Genesis 35:11) to “be [...]
The last days in class before Christmas can be hectic. Use this prayer service to spend some quiet time with your students. Create a peaceful atmosphere by turning down the lights the classroom [...]
Laurie was confused when she spent the night at Eden’s house. Before Eden went to bed, she prayed a Hail Mary for her sick grandmother and for her brother who is in the army. Laurie said to Eden: [...]
5 Ways to Jump-Start Your Faith This Advent Is your faith feeling a bit . . . stale? Has it been awhile since you’ve connected with God? Consider a jumpstart! Be intentional about paying [...]
Have you ever been teaching, and you look out to see a room full of children just staring back at you with glazed eyes? Maybe you’ve experienced sessions where children start twitching, get [...]
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897) Feast day: October 1 In every teen’s life, there are big decisions to be made. This is true in a saint’s life as well. In [...]
We’ve all heard them—the bloopers or malaprops young children come up with as they articulate memorized prayer. The child who prays, “May the souls of the faithful departed rest in pieces” or the [...]