Three Activities to Help Emphasize the Eucharist
1. Create a Eucharist Card
Invite your group to make a card that illustrates the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This card will emphasize how ordinary bread is changed into the Body of Christ and ordinary wine is changed into the Blood of Christ through the words of the priest and the action of the Holy Spirit at Mass.
Distribute a white piece of drawing paper to each child. Instruct them to fold the paper in half to make a card. Explain that on the front of the card, they will draw an ordinary piece of bread. Have them write under it, “Ordinary Bread.” Then have them draw an arrow that points to the next page and write the word “becomes” above the arrow.
Explain that on the second page of the card, they will draw the large Host that we see at Mass. Have them write under it, “The Body of Christ.”
Explain that on the third page of the card, they will draw a bunch of grapes. Have them write under it, “Ordinary Grapes.” Ask them to draw an arrow that points to the next page and to write the word “becomes” above the arrow.
Explain that on the back cover of the card, they will draw a chalice that holds the Blood of Christ at Mass. Have them write under it, “The Blood of Christ.”
Tell the children that this card can remind them that at Mass the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.
2. The Meaning of “Corpus Cristi”
The Feast of Corpus Christi is significant in the Church. This activity encourages the young people to explore the meaning and history of this feast as one way we honor the Eucharist.
Write the following seven questions on seven different sheets of paper. Write the corresponding answers on the back:
- What is the meaning of “Corpus Christi”? (It is Latin for “Body of Christ.”)
- What is a monstrance? (A gold receptacle that holds a large Host and helps us focus on the presence of Christ)
- What is a procession? (A group of people walking together, often with banners, and often singing hymns)
- When is Corpus Christi celebrated? (The Thursday following Trinity Sunday, or the following Sunday in the United States)
- How is the Church the Body of Christ? (The whole Church is also the Body of Christ, and Jesus Christ is the Head of this Body.)
- Who is part of the Body of Christ? (We are! We are meant to help and serve one another.)
- When did we become members of the Body of Christ? (At our Baptism)
Read each question to the group, and then read the answers, explaining as needed to the young people. After reviewing the questions and answers several times, split the group into two lines, and ask a question to each person in each line. If someone misses an answer, that person sits down. Go through the line once, repeating questions as needed. The line with the fewest members sitting down is the winner.
3. The Sacrament of Mercy
Receiving the Eucharist is the beginning of a movement of mercy from Christ within us to those in need around us. At the end of the Eucharistic liturgy, the words of the priest remind us to go forth and spread to others the love of Christ that we received in the Eucharist.
Explain to the group that the Church teaches us that in receiving the Eucharist, we are committed to those who are poor (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1397). We receive the Eucharist and are then called to share what we have with our brothers and sisters. We are called to show mercy.
Ask the group how we, as followers of Christ, can show the mercy of the Eucharist to those in need? Arrange the young people into small groups to brainstorm answers to this question. After a few minutes, reconvene the groups, asking them to share their thoughts as you write their responses on the board.
Invite the group to name the most feasible ideas and circle them. Then identify one idea the class could commit to together. Congratulate the group on their willingness to share the Eucharist, the love and mercy of Christ, with those in need.